Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is it a deer or a dino?

I know it's John Deer right??? So I found these cute gal (yes I'm saying it's a girl) and they had it listed as a dinosaur but I'm think a green deer so it has to be the new mascot for John Deer. Hey times are hard a new mascot/logo may help. Not so sure about the crazy yellow squirmy that sorry look like little sperm (hey I said sorry first). But those eyes and eyelashes are to die for. I know I try with make up to make mine look like that with no luck! I'm also sorry you neck looks like it's sunken in like my non existent muscles. Yup drooping down instead of up like bugs bunny and scooby doo once showed us.

So I leave you with the little creature to make up your own mind! Let me know what you think!


Chef E said...

*look of horror* What the bageeba's is that? It looks like an alien mated with some four legged creature, lol

Alexis AKA MOM said...

LOL I know my same thoughts, but darn those eyes are cute ... LOL

mommytoalot said...

LOL...umm looks like a deer...ish..

thanks for stopping by my blog.

Tamara said...

How that a cake?lol
Got her via GIRL RANTS...
Can't figure out which blog is your main one,but they are all 3 cool!!

Tori C. said...

Thanks for stopping by! I think this cake is cute!

Shake Your Bon Bons said...

Looking at that green...thing...I can honestly say I have absolutely, positively NO clue what it is LOL Other than very, very green

Tanielle said...

I think it's has a personality! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Come back anytime...who knows if it will be interesting or not. :-)

Felicia said...

I think it's a Leprechaun that swallowed a deer!

mail4rosey said...

I think it looks like dino, and I think it's cute. :)