Saturday, February 7, 2009

Can a CCC be sexy?

Well I think this one might just be the example of it! Check out those ta-tas looking pretty darn good for a 70 year old! LOL I'm not sure about the lumps and how they are positioned but heck who would complain at that again, I think I would be the turtleneck type by then. Cakes with just bottom and no head always kind of freak me out but that might just be me. Over all you know this had to be a professional cake that took a lot of time and effort. As usual the frillies around the edge always seem a little out of place but overall a GREAT example of CCC that go right! So who ever you are Sally your cake was pretty amazing for 70 years!


Chef E said...

Maybe for a sweet sixteen party, lol, hubby would have me pull those boobs right out for him!

Chef E said...

I created a semi-homemade dish just for you...well the rice anyway, lol

Alexis AKA MOM said...

E you crack me up! Yup Semi Homemade all the way ... LOL I'm heading over :)