Thursday, January 15, 2009

Busting out for you!

Now I love this CCC, finally a cake that has curves! I think those hips were model after my own a little bumpy and lumpy ... LOL. But the chest has me beat, she has so not had 2 kids! I must say the no arms is a little freaky but hey anything that resembles a real women I'm there for. Do you think this could be the next model for Lane Bryant?

On second thought not sure I could eat something that reminds me of me? Oh wait I just got lost in all that frosting looking back at me. Where was I going with this? Oh yeah can I have a hip, it looks like it has a lot of frosting. I'm sure my husband would go for one of the boobs, what check it out they have lot's of frosting. Come on work with me and focus! :) Undies all the way!


Chef E said...

That cake is fashion conscious! My hubby would say 'they are not big enough', lol, and that mine were better (or he had better say that, lol) What is up with this lumpy an bumpy stuff would look like a super model next to me!

Unknown said...

mine would say the same thing lol Chef E. by the way I took the word verification off Mrs. Alexis!

Nana said...

I wish I looked that good in my underwear!

Jeanne Sager said...

Heheh - this one cracks me up!