For my Sons' 1st Birthday I ordered a Monkey Cupcake Cake, what I gave them as a picture and what I received was so off, that it's a rolling punch line from that day forward. It even was featured on Cake Wrecks blog and was turned into a T-Shirt design. I just love that it has this kind of response. On the bad side my son Caden will probably have a lifetime of therapy a head of him, but I'm sure it will be more then cake that he will talk about. Bunny outfits and all we're a fun family. So Here we go a walk down memory lane.
It's a week before the party you've searched and searched for hours (of course NOT on company time) to find the PERFECT cake for your son's 1st birthday party. After watching a marathon of Tori and Dean, you fall in love with a monkey theme cake. Helps you also call your son monkey also. When you stumble upon this picture, you think it's the cutest Monkey CCC you could find. You're so proud of yourself you take the color print out to the cake decorator and ask is this something you can do? Sure we can! You're heart is full of pride knowing this is going to be one 1st Birthday no one will forget, so true will those words come back to haunt you. Here is your proud picture:
Now the day of the party you're running around like a mad person. You get up early and just don't seem to have enough time for everything. You barely make it to the bakery to pick up your cake. You look down at it just to see it's a monkey and run for the door. You're so busy that you don't even really give it a second thought, except hmmm I think that brown was a little darker. You get everything set up, barely run in the house to change your clothes even after a few have shown for the party. We get thru the lunch and the presents, it's now time to bring out the cake. You send your husband in for it and he walks out with the weirdest look, now what is wrong with him? You gather everyone up and start the birthday song, noticing everyone is looking over your shoulder. You look down at what they are all staring at to find this looking back at you:
Have I been punked? Nope really that was the cake. Is that Monkey look like he's having an accident? I think you're right, now that is just wrong!
Click on the picture for a larger version, if you dare!
Wondering what the birthday boys reaction was?
Even after all that you still plan on getting a CCC for the next party!
Wow, So cool!!
electric bicycle
Oh you are so creative! What an awesome cake! I love it, and I could tell the birthday boy did too! :-)
Too cute! Who does not like cupcakes???
I think he went shopping and had my problem! Ha,ha! I think it would have been okay is they did not have the legs spread and alos outlined the tail as well. I love having cupcake cakes. VERY convenient!
I love Tori and Dean!
I agree with Debra, It probably wouldn't have been so bad, if they didn't separate the legs so far.
But, the important thing is ... did your monkey make a mess with his first birthday cake? I was very fortunate. None of my kids wanted to play with their first birthday cake. Whew!
This is so cool!!
What a fun site! I just had to tell the monkey story to my boyfriend - he wondered what I was laughing at!
??? I cannot find the 'E' rant you mentioned...
Thanks so much for stopping by my first CCC War post. I'm on the search for a new one to feature! If you come across any, please send them my way.
LOL!! Reminds me of my best friend and her Birthday Bear iincident! Let's just say he was missing a foot! LOL!!!!!!!!
Felicia I so need a picture of the cake :). LOL
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